Friday, September 22, 2006

I start tonight's post with a few housekeeping issues. First, why has it become necessary in our society to provide instructions for leaving a message? Answering machines and voice mail have been around for years with no apparent confusion. Now when I call someone and they don't answer, I'm instructed by the voice of the person I called to leave a message. After that, a computerized voice tells me to "press 5 to page this person now." Then, to "please record your message. When finished, you may simply hang up (well, DUH!) or press pound for more delivery options." By the time all this has gone on, I'm ready to simply hang up without taking the time to leave a message-I've already been on the phone forever listening to instructions! Okay, all you phone companies-we've been leaving messages for years! Stop complicating it!

And now, an update on "Elevator Etiquette." People-yes, you. I cannot stress strongly enough the importance of being ready to exit the elevator when you reach the GROUND FLOOR. It ain't goin' any lower, people...this is IT! Why must you hide in the corners nearest the exit door? I'm carrying a 30-pound tub of mail and walking from one end of the row of three elevators to the other to get to the open that really too short a time to step out from the corner and exit the elevator?? They're just not that big! Get out! No, really, Get Out!!

And the final housekeeping item for the evening...stress. Yes, you know who you are. You thrive on stress and you're not happy until you can pass it along to others. We live in the richest country in the world. Most of us work in buildings without holes created by bombs...most of the time. Most of us have some loose change somewhere-in a car, our bedside table, couch cushions. Most of us have family or friends, TV, telephones, running water, bathrooms that work, streets that are comparatively safe. Yet executives, bosses, supervisors and Those In Charge insist that we all be stressed out. Today my boss asked me if I could clean out the storage room. It's a simple question, and of course I can clean out the storage room. I'm an able-bodied relatively young person who likes to organize things (well, at work anyway). What I can't do, though, is say to my boss, "okay, I'm cleaning out the storage room and these have been sitting here with the same dust pattern since I got here. They're never used. We are out of space. We need to get rid of them" because if I do, well then, of COURSE we can't get rid of them. Someone might need them. Someday. Somewhere. When last I checked, the laws of physics were still in effect and two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. If we can't get rid of anything, then I can't clean the storage room. It's simple.

Michael Moore should never be President. He's too important doing what he is doing. The fact is, folks, we have too much fear-mongering in this country. Do you realize that many, many people in Canada do not lock the doors to their homes? Ever? I heard this tonight and was floored--I can't imagine a scenario like this. In a bunch of different countries the yearly death toll from guns is in the low hundreds-under 500 per year. Way under, usually. (yes, that's YEARLY, folks)In the United States it's over 11,000. Eleven Thousand. CNN and the news media have created a problem, and that is that they need viewers. They don't get viewers by covering happy stuff (which, by the way, happens all the time). They get viewers by covering murder, car chases, people running from police, bombings, killing, etc. Viewers equal ratings, which of course equal dollars. And it's all about the money here in the U. S. We need to realize that everybody is afraid, and we're all afraid of each other. If we just quit being afraid, lots of the nonsense will go away.

Canadians were appalled recently to hear that people in the United States don't automatically get health coverage. In Canada if you're sick, you go to the doctor. When asked why, the Canadians on the street said "because they're people, and everyone has the right to live." We don't care about people in this country any more. It makes me very sad. We've become a cold, hard, dollars-focused nation. To let people without insurance die is criminal, and since so many people are for the death penalty and believe in the right to life, well then, let's apply the death penalty to those who alllow this travesty to continue.

While we're at it, let's apply the punishment for any crime committed with a gun to the owner of the gun (unless it's stolen by an adult criminal). That way we won't have hordes of people calling for harsh punishment for a six-year-old who doesn't know any better, brings a gun to school and kills a fellow six-year-old. This has to stop. If you're too stupid to lock up your guns, you're too stupid to own one. Turn off the TV and get a clue, folks! It's 10:00-do you know where your firearm is?

I have been on a soapbox tonight...thank you for your patience. I recommend any Michael Moore movie or book to any person reading this. Trust me...try it. It's not illegal, not immoral, and might bring up new points you haven't yet thought of. Also, watch the movie "Crash." There were two-you want the one made in 2004 about people in L.A. I am a total movie-weenie and I can watch it. It's extremely well done. I will tell you now that there is harsh language, but it will change your life and how you look at people. I will probably mention it again; it's that important. And now, I leave you and take my children to look through a big telescope at beautifl things worlds away. Back on Sunday. Have a good weekend!

Sunday, September 17, 2006 maybe NOT the end...

Well. It's been a crappy week, I'm sorry to say. I've been off fighting demons (figuratively) and I felt another blog post coming on, so here I am. Lucky you.

In addition to being wife of one, mother of two, and conquerer of the Calphalon I have other facets. I don't believe in the war in Iraq, for one. I think the Bush family has been keeping secrets and knew before we went into Iraq that there were no WMDs. I think we're in a big mess now and I don't necessarily believe that we should pull out at this point. I do believe that some good has been done in this war. I know Saddam Hussein is a bad guy and I'm glad we captured him. Now, can we finally look for the real culprit of 9/11? You know, BIN LADEN?? You can't possibly convince me that the United States government couldn't find him if they wanted to.

That having been said, I am in full support of our troops. It's not their fault that they're being asked to fight under false pretenses. I pray for God's protection on each and every one of them, and I pray they will all be with their families again soon. I grieve for the 18 and 19 and 20-year-olds who haven't even begun to live, but who are now coming home in body bags. Their sacrifices should NEVER be forgotten, nor should that of their families.

I am a Christian. I am not perfect, though. I have depression. Sometimes very bad depression. Some days I cry mostly all day. Sometimes I actually do eat ice cream right out of the carton. Some days I have sexually immoral thoughts--several per day, or hour. Some days I think about driving my car into a light pole, or off an overpass because I feel like my husband and children would be so much better off without me. Some days I hate my husband because he's gone so much of the time. I have my days, people, and they're not all pretty. Sometimes I wonder if I can actually be a Christian because of all I've described above. But I do know one thing: I have had a close relationship with the Lord for years and years. He has never left me. I know He has big shoulders, but I've been afraid to test that theory because I don't want to disrespect God. But guess what? God can take it. God knows my mind and my thoughts and my bad habits and loves me anyway. He knows I don't support the war. He loves me anyway. God knows I think gays don't get a fair shake in today's world, especially in the Christian world. He loves me anyway. God knows that some days I hate being a parent, and yet He's still my parent and He loves me. God knows some days I wish I'd never gotten married, and yet I am part of his bride, the church, hoping against hope to be able to prepare myself for His return. He loves me. God knows I hate the thought of the Rapture, Armageddon, and all that. He knows it terrifies me and always has. But He has made plans for me, He will care for me, and He loves me even if I don't pretend to be brave and look forward to it. I am a MESS, people...and He loves me.

Well, that's me for tonight. There may be more another day. I don't know right now. Right now, I'm going to throw away my empty ice cream carton and chip container, crawl into bed and watch QVC. I may even buy something, if there's something I'm looking for featured tonight. And yes, even though I watch and sometimes buy from QVC, God STILL has room in His gi-normous heart for imperfect me.

Monday, September 04, 2006

I'm crazy now, just like the others...

It seems I've joined the rest of the world in publicly talking to myself. Yes, now I'll be one of those nuts who, while walking down the street, suddenly bursts into conversation. Yes, I've acquired a new toy. A bluetooth toy. I've been meaning to get a hands-free thingie so that when I talk on my phone while driving I'm not maniacally endangering the lives of others. I've been feeling guilty for years now, not having one.

And because I have kids and a husband who works nusto hours, being available should something come up is valuable. And the bluetooth came in a package with my phone, sort of, when we changed carriers and got new phones. And yes, if we were going to continue with cell phone service of any kind, we needed new phones. A full charge would last anywhere from 3 hours to a day and a half-not exactly reliable, if you know what I mean. Plus my husband couldn't use his at work, and, as I've mentioned, he works a lot, so it was a problem. His office is underground, as it's on the same level as the stage in the theater where he works, so if he wanted to call he'd have to tie up the office line. Not pretty.

So anyway, I have a bluetooth and will someday burst into conversation in the middle of the street, or in a store, and it will probably annoy some people. Most things annoy some people. My life is more convenient because of it, and safer while driving, and I can live with that.