Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Heidi-Ho There, Neighbors!

This week I got some awesome Good Mail! Tori sent me some adorable note cards, and Jennie-Boo sent me great little packets of foot scrub, lotion, and soak, plus a wonderful little emery board. I feel so loved...thanks, gals!

I'd post pictures, but my husband is using the camera today and I can't draw that well :) so I'll try to post them later this week.

This week we're getting ready for the big exodus out of our homeland, i.e., our vacation to Mexico. I am starting to really, REALLY look forward to five days on the beach!

I may have mentioned this before; if I did, I'm sorry. I may try to go parasailing. I'm scared of heights, but in many of my dreams, I seem to be flying. I can't think of anything else that could produce that same feeling, so if it's reasonably priced and if I'm not too fat and if I don't chicken out, I'm going to try it.

Did you ever buy yourself new crayons and a coloring book? I did that this weekend, while shopping for school supplies for the kids. I love the smell of crayons, and coloring is so relaxing. Often, though, I'll just keep the crayons and use my kids old, broken ones so that I can keep the box looking pretty and the crayons all their original, perfect shape. Because once you start coloring with them, of course the shape of the tip changes, and then all the crayons don't match. Yes, I am crazy. Thanks for asking. :)

I hope you have a fabulous Wednesday. I'm about to go to bed and speed up my fabulous Wednesday, so that vacation time can get here sooner. I almost don't even care if we go to Mexico; just the idea of not having to get up and be somewhere by a certain time is sounding more and more heavenly!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"Our" Mexican Villa

Here's a link to the beach house we're renting in Mexico...


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What the H(@#)Q@$&! is wrong with me today?

Did'ja ever have one of those days? I did. Today.

It started Sunday, actually. I went to church, stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home (which may, in fact explain everything...Wal-Mart often makes me insane). I went home, put the groceries away, and decided to lie down for a few mintes before starting to paint the touch-up stuff in the bedroom and the hallway. I laid down at about 2:30, and woke up at 5:30!! So much for painting.

Then, I couldn't sleep. Which is nowhere near like me...I can ALWAYS sleep. Except Sunday night. The kids and Tony have been gone backpacking since Saturday, and I just didn't feel tired...or relaxed enough to sleep. Finally at 3:00 a.m. or so, I went to bed and watched TV until who knows when. I woke up at 5:30 with a blinding headache and nausea. I didn't go to work Monday. Instead, I slept and/or laid around being all lethargic until about 3:30 in the afternoon.

Today I went to work. Big mistake. Huge. I still hurt all over and am grumpy as all get-out. Then I find out that the courier that picks up from us on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week apparently has gone over the edge. He's very full of himself, and although he works for a courier company, not us directly; he takes it upon himself to change our delivery schedule and tell me what to do as though he's my boss. Yesterday, when I was sick, he apparently insisted on parking in the wrong area, where he's been asked not to park. Then he got into it with a security guard who approached him and was incredibly rude; rude enough that the security director for the plaza I work in came to our office and talked to the other admin about him.

Now, you'd think that this would be evidence enough for my boss to listen to us about his attitude and work habits but, bless her heart, she thinks he hung the moon. She loves everybody and is really a great boss. She tries to find the good in everyone and encourages us all to. And usually I don't complain about people, but in this case I felt it was necessary to bring it up. She says she'll talk to him...we'll see.

I have a desk that, with the CPU for my computer, my monitor, my phone, pen cup, and stapler on it, has about 1.5 square feet left over for work space. And today, everybody felt the need to set their crap on it while they went on to other things, leaving me to deal with their stuff in addition to mine. 'Cause I have time for that.

Then there was the meeting this afternoon. It was a conference call, but I didn't know that because no one, including my boss and the other admin, thinks to tell me anything. I'm at the front friggin' desk, people...wouldn't it be nice if I had a clue what is going on in the office so I can help people when they walk in the front door? But, no. I didn't know. And, it was a conference call where people are supposed to call a toll-free number and enter a bridge number. The other admin leaves at 4:00, and at 4:25 I got a call from a meeting participant needing the bridge number. I don't have this info, so I call the other admin., who tells me the practice manager has it, and she's setting up the call. But she's really not setting up the call, because no one friggin' knows the bridge number (why we have to bother with the whole bridge number thing is beyond me, too. Every participant in the meeting works for us, but are in different offices. We have a conference phone in the conference room...I don't know). So, I call the other admin again, who tells me that she has the bridge number in her e-mail. I go break into her computer and get the info, and the stupid meeting starts.

By this point I'm wondering why I'm still at this stupid, lame company anyway and I can't move to another position because I don't have the right experience (even though I was told I didn't need it when I decided to apply) and I'm wasting my life in this stupid desert and raising my kids where they can't even go outside and play because we're in the stupid city and it's hot and humid and my stupid hair is frizzy and driving me nuts and I have to go to Mexico for a vacation and I don't even want to but my husband does and how do we know we won't be in some stupid non-working house that has holes in the roof and no air conditioning and the ocean looked close enough to the patio to be a tsunami and we're probably going to all be sucked into the ocean anyway and I need another nap and why in the world have I not progressed in my career beyond stupid receptionist work and...yeah. REALLY rational stuff. See? I shouldn't have gone to work today. I must've been a total JOY to be around. But I was, in fact, really pleasant to everyone all day, until the last hour, when everyone was ensconced safely in their little meeting and I could feel free to slam drawers and folders on desks and mutter and complain quietly. Hmmph!!

And, when I came home, I still felt sick. I think I really was/am sick. Because I've been much happier than this lately. Just not today.

Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug.

And, I think there's a limit to how long I can be without my family. I miss them.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Vegas, Baby!

Hi, there!

I'm back! I've been back since Sunday, but in typical Penny form, I haven't posted. Oh, didn't I tell you my name is Penny? It is. It's not Penelope. I was grateful for that. I was also very grateful to my mother, who insisted that they NOT go with my father's choice for my name...Effie Mae. Yeeeeaaaaaaahhh. I like my name. Not everyone has it. I wish I had red hair. I have reddish highlights in the sun, but my hair is brown. And a little gray here and there. But I digress...

We had a good time in Vegas. If any of you go, I would strongly recommend staying and hanging out on Fremont Street. It's the original "strip," I guess, but it is much smaller than "The Strip." It's also not as mobbed and crazy.

We stayed at the Golden Nugget. The pool was awesome! It was doughnut-shaped and in the middle was the shark tank. Above the whole works, and through, was the water slide. I went down once and nearly passed out. The instructions said to lie down with your arms crossed over your chest. Yeeeeaaahh...if you want to go down the slide at 65 mph and have water spraying into your face so that it's difficult to breathe. It looked too small to sit up in, and I'm a little claustrophobic, which I'm sure didn't help! I should have done it again, in more of a sitting position. I'm not usually afraid of stuff like that, but I'd spent all of breakfast looking up at the slide tube, thinking, "that doesn't look big enough to sit up in."

I was going to treat my friend and I to pedicures, but they were $65 each--ahh! I'm used to paying $16.99. We each got a massage in the Aquamassage machine at the Stratosphere, instead. We also went up into the top of the Stratosphere to the observation deck. It was neat. I think it's something like 1,000 feet up. My ears popped in the elevator! We then took the monorail to the far end of the strip and started our intended trek, which was to walk through all of the casinos.

Did I mention the Strip is large? We made it about halfway. We stopped for dinner/breakfast at 1:30 a.m. and decided to go back to our room, because we had to drive back the next day. I can honestly say that once you've seen one casino, you've pretty much seen them all. Tables, machines, smoke, loudness, flashing lights, cocktail waitresses. Yup, that's it. I can live without seeing every casino in Vegas. It's cool. Next time, I'm going to slow down and enjoy myself more. By the pool. Or reading in my room. Or playing my penny- and nickel-slot machines (the most I'll play is a nickel...I'm a serious gambler, man!). Or hey, maybe I could see a show next time.

My son is sitting next to me drawing the foundation for a house. He's decided he wants to be an architect. Cool!

My kids and husband are leaving tomorrow for a backpacking trip on the Mogollon Rim in
Arizona. They'll be gone until Wednesday. I'm planning to nap, knit and watch movies, and perhaps paint the hallway and living/dining room. 'Cause I'm exciting like that. Oh, and I'm going to shop for comfortable shoes. I nearly killed my feet last weekend, walking all over Vegas in my $13 Wal-Mart Special shoes. Ow!

Well, speaking of Ow!, my lower back and left arm have been hurting all day, and it's time for another hot shower. Be well, do good, and I'll see you back here soon!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What Happens in Vegas...

...when I'm there probably won't be nearly exciting enough to hide from anyone. I'm headed there with my friend tomorrow, for a wonderful weekend!

I heard our hotel (The Golden Nugget on Fremont Street) has a fantastic pool. There is a shark tank next to the pool, and the pool has a waterslide that somehow goes through the shark tank. I don't know...I'll let you know when I get back. Because, almost 40 or not, I'm goin' on the waterslide!! There's also a swim up bar. I haven't had a Pina Colada since 1993, but I may this weekend! I'm not sure I can resist having something at a swim-up bar sometime in my life! In other news this week...

Computer Hackers Suck! Yesterday I was sitting at work, talking to a co-worker, when all these little error-message-looking boxes kept coming up on my monitor. I mean, like 50 or 60 of them, one right after the other. It was kind of like when that lady in the Southwest Airlines commercial opens the "Pink Slip Virus" on her work computer. Except I hadn't opened anything. I was without a computer all day while our ever-so-patient and kind IT guru worked on it.

The kids came home from camp! I missed them. They had a great time and made fabulous crafts.

We (okay, my husband) installed two new toilets in our house. Bless his heart, he put the first one in, then turned around and said "I wonder if I can fix this sink." He turned the faucet on, and the handle broke off in his hand, spewing water all over the bathroom. I went to Lowe's to get a new faucet, and while I was gone, he thought he'd put the other toilet in. He got the old one off and started to attach the new one to the floor, but apparently there's an iron ring that is in the floor, that the toilet is supposed to attach to. It came out of the floor. So, the plumber came out and basically stopped the bleeding, we went to Motel 6 for the night (it was 9:30 when the 2nd toilet went awry), and actually got a good night's sleep! The next day, with a new iron ring in, the toilet attached just fine. The sink is still an issue, but with the bleeding stopped and with two other bathrooms, we're just leaving it be for now.

I had an evaluation at work and got a nice raise. I'm so blessed to be there!

I learned that sometimes friendships die, and sometimes they just need a break. I'm not sure which of those choices is happening with one of my friends, but it's okay. I love her anyway, and we'll be okay someday.

But now...a much-needed break in Las Vegas!! We leave tomorrow at 11:00.

Have a good weekend!

The RGBAs!!!

I couldn't think of a title for this blog entry, and I wanted to get right to it...so, here "it" is. First, I was blessed enough to be honored with a "Rockin' Girl Blogger" award from Jail Diet! (I am still excited. I changed my template to match--we can't have a clash-y blog, now!) Her blog is totally cool and I love reading it. She's a smart, fun, happenin' chick! Thanks, Jail!

I now have the honor of bestowing this award on others, If you've already received one, you must be really cool! Here's to:

Busy Bee Lauren. She's fresh and funny, yet deeply thoughful too. She writes really well and many of her stories get me laughing! She's a talented interior designer and has already won at least one award. She's educated me about shower gel and lotion, and she usually brightens my day. Thanks, Lauren!

A Dress A Day. I used to sew dresses when I was in elementary and junior high school, with my 4-H group. Since then, I haven't been much interested in sewing...until I found this blog! She is a talented seamstress who has the ability to make sewing, dress design, and the pros and cons of fabric fun and interesting. I find myself seeing dresses in a whole new way, now, all because of this blog. A Dress A Day is by Erin McKean, who is also a dictionary editor. There is a really official job title for that, but I can't think of what it is and can't find it on her blog. Check her out on Amazon.com, too!

My Salome Nature. She hasn't posted in awhile, and her most recent post is kind of sad. But I've heard from her very recently, and things are looking very much up. She's a fantastic mother who cherishes her son and is doing a fabulous job raising him. Her posts are from the heart and they ring true. She's a deep thinker and, I imagine, would be fun to get to know in person.

My Life-Just pretend you're interested. Another fantastic mother. She has such a beautiful family and cares so genuinely and so deeply for each of them. Her blog is funny, creative, and VERY musical!

Congratulations, all of you, and thank you for brightening my days!

Friday, July 06, 2007


Ahh...hear that?


What do you hear?

Nothing! It's great! It's just me and my husband (well, okay; and the cats and dogs and fish) at home. Our kids went to family camp with their Grandma! Five quiet days, and four quiet nights.

Of course I love my children. I love them beyond reason. But it's still nice when I have time for myself. I may go see a movie tomorrow (I hear "Knocked Up" is funny), I need a swim suit for my trip this weekend, so I'll be finding that tomorow (see, I'll need comedy after that!). And I'm sleeping in. And watching as much television as I want, even if I don't go to the movies. I need to just chill. And this weekend, until Tuesday night, is perfect for that. It came at a much-needed time. And yes, I already miss my kids. But they'll be back. And I'll be here. And it'll be good.


Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy Monday, Everyone!

I got my grade for the 2nd half of Math for Elementary Educators tonight...an "A!" I'm still freaked that I'm getting good grades in math...two Bs, and now two As! I can live with that!

In two weeks I get to go to Las Vegas with a friend. She got us a free room at the Golden Nugget on Fremont Street with her husband's frequent flyer miles. He works for "an unnamed major defense contractor" and has to fly to Germany or Yemen or California or someplace similar a few times a year. We're planning to just hang out at the pool (not that I have a "hanging out at the pool" body, by any means) and drink fruity drinks with umbrellas and chillax, as the hip kids say. We've both got kids, husbands, and jobs; it will be good to take a break.

Then, sometime in the first 2 weeks of August, we're planning a family vacation to either Rocky Point, San Diego, or Yellowstone Park. We'd love to go to Yellowstone, but it is a long drive and I only have a week vacation for the summer (the rest I've saved for Christmas). I would be completely content going to San Diego because a) we can camp and make it cheap, b) the ocean is there, c) there's a roller coaster on one of the beaches that I haven't been on yet, d) being in California seriously ups my chances of accidentally running into Keanu Reeves (suuuuuure, that's gonna happen!), the hottest man alive besides my husband, e) the ocean is there, f) I love the ocean, g) we can go see the tide pools and look at the ocean, h) Coronado Island-who doesn't love that?, and i) because the ocean is there. Did I mention I love the ocean??

My husband is being completely without opinion, except of course he doesn't prefer San Diego because it can be expensive. This is the first year in a loooooonnnnnnnggggg time that we've had decent money to vacation with, because we've both been working and saving a little. But we have been to San Diego a few times, too. Rocky Point might be fun...who knows?

And, I shouldn't write this down because if I do, it might fall apart, but this coming Saturday I have the house all to myself! Shhhhh! The kids are off to family camp with their grandma (my mother-in-law), and my husband is working. I do not plan to get out of bed until I'm darn good and ready...and I may lie in there and read a book before I get up! I should, and probably will, make an appointment to get my hair cut, too. It's seriously unruly. We'll see what we'll see.

I wish all of you a very Happy Independence Day!! Do the fireworks safely!!