Sunday, September 30, 2007

Foley's Fire Eaters Finally Finish!

No, I'm not really eating fire. Ick. The title is a reference to a line in the famous and popular movie, "An Officer and A Gentleman," when the platoon (or whatever you call it) that Richard Gere's character is a part of, finally finishes basic training and is on their way to Pensacola to "get jets."

I, however, am done with my independent study class. I'd really like to know how these can be called "Independent Study." 'Cause I pretty much had a set syllabus of what I had to do. I didn't feel free to study butterflies, or wave frequency at Clearwater Beach on the Gulf of Mexico. No, I had to study what they told me (ha, ha).

I figured it out tonight, and I wrote 12 papers of at least 800 words. In 5 weeks. Actually, in 10 days, because I did all of my homework for this class on the weekends, around everything else that's happening in our lives (Tony's grandpa's cancer; the kids in a new school;everybody being sick because it's a new school year and hey, why not; my husband's fabulous book deal; church; choir; and, oh And I am tired! My husband found me on our bed at 2 a.m. this morning, literally asleep on my laptop. He woke me up to tell me it may be time to put the computer away, and I was so startled that I was like, "I'm up! I'm up! Hang on!" Yeah, right. Then, he gently told me he was going to unplug my computer (because the cord was hanging across his side of the bed, and it of course has an internal battery, and it being 2 a.m. he wanted to go to sleep). I'm like, "Wait! Hold on! I don't want to lose this," at which point he patiently explained to my sleep-befuddled self that it wont' turn off the computer if he unplugs it; the computer has an internal battery. I swear, the poor man had no idea what he was getting into when he married me. I can be such a dork sometimes! :)

But, I am finished. And it is good. Now, I just have a meeting on 10/16 and classes start again 10/23. But for now, a break! From school, at least...

Thursday, September 27, 2007


-Have you ever noticed how rude the world is becoming? We're hiring for a position at work, and we scheduled second interviews with three people. Second interview--that's a big deal, right?
Well, not apparently for this one lady, who didn't show up and didn't even call. I left her a message after she didn't show, asking her if I'd gotten the day wrong or if she wasn't interested in working with us. I asked her to call back. She didn't.

-Don't buy toys from MGA Entertainment/Rescue Pets. My daughter (8 yrs. old) did, and the little bone that they put the code on, so the kids can play online, got lost in the flurry. I tried to register without it (there's a website that apparently they can go and play on with the toy they bought), but I couldn't and the webpage said to contact I did, and after ingnoring my first two e-mails, I got irritated with them and sent a stronger e-mail. They wrote back with a form letter that said they had been having trouble accessing my e-mail...yeah...right. They also said in the form letter that the UPC code I gave them didn't match a toy that could go online, even though the web address and the things you can do on website are plastered all over the box. In yet another form letter. And then tonight, I got an e-mail from a person with a name, rather than MGA Customer Service, that matched almost exactly the letter they sent last night, stating they were "unable" to help. So, I e-mailed this information to them, and then they responded that they are "unable" [read, "don't give a crap"] to replace the code. I promised them I'd tell everyone I knew, and though I don't technically know all of you personally, I thought I'd pass it on. If you buy a Rescue Pet, guard the tiny paper bone with your life, because MGA Entertainment has no intention of being customer friendly.

-My kids and I are reading "Harriet the Spy" together. Great book.

-I have purchased Christmas presents for five people already. And it's technically still September. Woo-Hoo!

-I have been obsessed with thoughts about and curiosity with someone from my past for the past two weeks. The last time this happened, the person moved here. Hmm...

-I had my teeth cleaned today. I went in for 2 crowns, but all they could fit in was the cleaning. Next Thursday is crown day. I had a credit of $67, and my bill for today was $62! Woo-hoo again!

-The soundtrack from "Dirty Dancing" makes me happy. ;)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I was tagged by Jail Diet to do the following...List 5 things that certain people (who are not deserving of being your friend anyway) may consider to be "totally lame," but you are, despite the possible stigma, totally proud of. Own it. Tag 5 others:

1. I made the honor roll every marking period in the 12th grade.

2. You know those letters you get for sports in hight school? Well, I was the first member of my freshman class to be awarded a band letter, which we got by earning points for showing up for band camp at the end of summer, being on time, participating in try-outs for chairs, etc. The stupid thing is, the school wouldn't let us buy the regular jacket that you sew the letters on. No, we had to have cheap black and orange (our school colors) windbreakers. I still have mine.

3. I was captain of the flag squad my sophomore, junior, and senior years in high school. Yes, I was a "flaggot." And a darn good one, too!

4. I was President of my church youth group in 12th grade, too.

5. I made a fantastic apron and at least one really cool long 1970s-style dress (because it was the 1970s) as a member of our local 4H club. I got blue ribbons on them.

I tag Lauren and Tori, having very few blogfriends I am familiar enough with that they may not openly jeer at me in their blogs.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Five Hours in the Penalty Box!

I'm not a real hockey fan. I just thought it appropriate for what happened today. I woke up this morning with a GINORMOUS neck/shoulder/headache.

I should've known it was coming. I've been dizzy for two days (well, three now), I've had chest pains a lot the past three weeks (I get those with anxiety-at least I hope that's all it is) and have been incredibly stressed out at work. So, Wham-o! Major, life-stopping, energy-sapping headache. For five hours. Couldn't look at light or hear sound. At all. Ugh. Happily, the kids had no school, and their awesome grandma took them canoeing up in Prescott. My fabulous husband got them up, dressed, and ready to go (though these days, they do much of that themselves). I laid there in bed, in agony. I called in to work, then went to sleep. I woke up at 11:00. Still couldn't move until noon.

I must get healthier. I've been hardly eating lunch, trying to keep up at work, and not sleeping enough, trying to be everything else I need to be and do homework.

I did go in to work at 1:30. At least it was something, I thought. My sweet boss called me into her office and told me that I need to let her know if I have too much to do. She knows she runs around like a headless chicken all the time, but doesn't want to make others sick because of it. This is good, because if one more person handed me something they just didn't want to deal with themselves, I was going to rip their arm off. Okay, probably not. But it was tempting.

I am so blessed to work there. But I do have to learn to say NO, or it won't be good any more. I am not a doormat, but I'm letting myself be one by saying yes to everyone who needs help. I also "take on" other people's feelings, and when my boss is stressed, I want to help her and I just figure I will somehow fit it all in. And more often than not, I do fit it in. But I end up hurting myself and my health. N-N-N-N....NO. I can do this. I must do this. Or I will drop over dead from a heart attack.


Monday, September 17, 2007

And now, Deep Penny

Have you ever noticed how little quiet is in the world? Media is everywhere; clock radio, TV, car radio, Ipod, CD collection. Different ways to make noise on each noisemaker; CD player/radio/alarm; CD/Stereo; TV/VCR/DVD/TiVo; multiple ring tones; on and on and on. I would love to just sit in a hammock or a rocking chair or lie in the grass and hear...nothing. Crickets, maybe. Bees buzzing by. Watch the clouds and think. Or--gasp!--read a book. In the quiet. With no music or alarm or phone or TV or radio commercial telling me I need to Get Down There Now!! Now!! Now!! and buy a Subaru...anywhere nearby. Quiet. Rest. Peace.

Just a thought...

Peace out...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Back to School

For me...not the kids. They've been back almost a month now. No, after a much-too-long break, I'm finally back into the swing of things. I say the break was much too long, because apparently I'm not really cut out for long breaks. The first time I attempted college, I went one year and then dropped out for what I thought were good reasons (the college was private, cost a whole lot, and I was in love and wanted to be with my boyfriend, who was leaving after that year). I didn't go back for 20 years.

This past June, I started a break that lasted until last week. And a few days before class started, I freaked out and was already trying to withdraw. I wasn't sure I should be spending this much money on a career that doesn't pay well (elementary education), my kids would need me, I really enjoyed not having to do anything academic for those couple months, I already have a good job that I love, and that has a fantastic 401K, etc.

But I took the class anyway. And as I started writing the two papers I had to turn in by Monday, I remembered...I am smart. I am a good student. And I can do this (I know, it sounds just like Stuart Smalley saying "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me-God, I love Al Franken!). Even though the education system is far from perfect, I can make a positive difference in the lives of those kids I teach.

Now, whether I'll remember all this all the way through the rest of my degree program--who knows. I'll try, and it certainly would be easier if I would!