Monday, November 12, 2007

I completely ripped this off from Nancy. It looked fun. If you want to rip it off from me (or Nancy ), feel free.

What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
A-Del Taco. Try the strawberry shake...really!

Q-What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of it?
A-Tomatoes. Or ice cream. But not together.

Q-What are your favorite pizza toppings?
A-Ground beef, green peppers, and onions (preferably red onions)

Q-How many televisions are in your house?
A-Three, but one is in our son's room and used for games and DVDs (which are, of course, all approved by his over-protective mother.)

Q-What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A-Ummm...some stock photo that came with the computer, a picture of the Northern Lights (or Aurora Borealis) over a lake in Alaska.

Q-Current mood?
A-Tired of school, tired of work; just tired. It is 10:21 p.m., after all!

Q-Currently listening to?
A-Billy Crystal accepting a comedy award on PBS.

Q-Favorite number?
A-8. It's fun to write.

Q-Favorite season?

Q-Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Q-Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A-No, but I fainted my junior year of high school. I'd been sick and was trying to go to school anyway.

Q-When was the last time you had a cavity?
A-Right at this very moment. Who said blogs aren't fabulous-you're experiencing history right now!

Q-Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A-Of course! Gosh!

Q-What color do you think looks best on you?

Q-What is in your left pocket?
A-I'm not wearing a pocket. I'm in my nightie. Remember, It's 10: 25! Keep up!

Q-Have you ever saved someone's life? Not that I'm aware of. Maybe my winning personality gave someone a reason to hang on one more day?

Q-Has anyone saved your life?

Q-What do you want to be when you grow up?
A-I don't want to grow up. But I do want to be a teacher...I think.

Q-Could you live with roommates?
A-I have, but prefer not to. Too bad about that husband and those kids, eh? (KIDDING!!)

Q-What can you not wait to do?
A-Finish school. But I don't think I ever will.

Q-What's the last movie you saw?
A- The Cutting Edge

Q-Would you never blog again for $50,ooo?
A-Ummm...YES! Where do I sign?

Q-Would you allow one of your pinky fingers to be chopped off for a million bucks?
A-No...what kind of sicko questionnaire is this?

Q-Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A-When yet another uninsured Arizona driver smashed into my car while it was parked outside my house.

Q-Last person who called you?
A-My friend Wendy!

Q-Last person you hugged?
A-My sweet husband.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Random Wednesday

"Animal Crackers and Cocoa to drink,
This is the finest of breakfasts, I think.

Animal crackers are okay, but those cinnamon-y alphabet cookies are even better with cocoa. I learned that poem in the first grade, I think.

Why does it feel so easy and natural to walk straight past another human being and not acknowledge them, both people keeping their eyes straight forward as though the other person isn't there? That doesn't seem natural to me, and I'm going to quit letting it happen. Just so you know.

I have slowly become a coffee snob. If it isn't "really good" coffee, I don't want any. How in the world did this happen? I'm a Michigan-raised, store-brand, generic prescription type of gal. I've found that I also like Earl Grey tea. It makes me feel content. I have no idea why.

My kids are fabulous. My son is becoming a brilliant musician and artist, while also being incredibly intelligent. My daughter sat at the table tonight adding and subtracting three-digit numbers (in the form of currency, like $8.32) in. her. head. Without the use of fingers, calculators, or paper to write a problem on.

My husband and I celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary on the 19th of this month. We are celebrating by going to Prescott, AZ for this coming weekend. I am excited!

I have started losing track of the many, many projects I have at work. I am interrupted at least 15-20 times per hour. I sit at the front desk, and act as the receptionist for our two companies, plus the administrative assistant for the accounting, scheduling, HR departments, as well as my boss, who is the practice manager. I feel like my head is going to spin around so much some day, it will just fall off and land gracefully on the carpet.

I have a cousin who is with YWAM, a youth ministry-missionary group. I only hear from him when they have financial problems. I don't have much to give, but I told him I'd pray for him and his family. They're adopting a little boy from Guatemala, and in the red tape involved, have gone through what they had saved. I doubt I'll hear from him again for at least a year. Maybe I'll be wrong. I'd like that, too.

I learned this evening (while typing this entry, in fact) that I prefer Wal-Mart brand Hot Chocolate to Swiss Miss. See-I'm still a Michigan girl! Whew!

I hope you've enjoyed this little trek through my thought processes. Have a pleasant tomorrow!

Monday, November 05, 2007

The Sound of Music

I was thinking the other day, while I was doing something mindless at work like stuffing envelopes, about music. There are some songs that immediately take me back to a particular time and place. Here are a few...

1. Tie a Yellow Ribbon by Tony Orlando & Dawn. I was 8 or 9 years old, maybe younger. I was in our family room/dining room (depending on what year it was) and I had my little portable, orange record player. I would play a little bit of the song, then pick up the needle and stop it, and write the words I remembered. I did this until I had all the lyrics written down.

2. Daybreak by Barry Manilow. My mom would get up with us in the morning, wake us up and fix our breakfast. Generally, this song was playing on the radio on the counter in the kitchen, on WTCM Radio from Traverse City, Michigan.

3. Brothers and Sisters of Mine, a hymn. I was at Senior High church camp, and Lester Ford was drawing the cover page for our camp log (kind of like a yearbook, only for camp). He was a great artist. We were sitting on the picnic table, under the big pine tree in the middle of the campground, with a bunch of other people.

4. America by Neil Diamond. In my friend Laura's living room, playing it over and over on her parents' big stereo, because we thought it was a cool song.

5. Forever in Blue Jeans, also by Neil Diamond. The sixth grade, at some class party or another. I thought he was singing Reverend Blue Jeans, and so did Tony Buffman. He was a kid who always tried to make everyone feel important and valued, even at his age.

6. Afternoon Delight, by someone whose name I can't recall. We were in our camper, in a campground somewhere in southern Michigan, near Ann Arbor. My sister drank lye when she was 3 years old, and for over a year we had to take her to Mott Children's Hospital at the University of Michigan every other week to dilate her throat, which had to be replaced. During the winter we stayed with my aunt who lived near Ann Arbor; in the summer we camped. That was the campground where I learned to swim (there was a lake).

7. Kiss You All Over by Exile. There were a group of us who made it into the spelling bee, and we were in the back of the principal's van, headed back to school after the bee, when this came on the radio.

That's all I can think of now; though I know there are more. I'll share others in a different post.