I was going to tell you a story about my boss, but with all the lawsuits nowadays I'd better not, for fear I'll be sued and they'll take my 2005 Chevy Malibu. With power windows.
So, at this place where my friend works (I'm not telling you which friend), there's a need for a project to be done. At first it needed to be done by Wednesday afternoon. Then suddenly, yesterday at 3:30, my friend (the random one) tells me that she heard it was due TODAY at noon. Well, by golly, she didn't have enough time to finish the huge project (23 single-spaced pages put into a spreadsheet) by noon TODAY, so my friend, who is not a morning person, got up at 5:00 this morning (if you knew my friend, you would know how early that really is, and how s/he doesn't normally get up anywhere near this time), and she was at work at 6:00. A. Stinkin' M. After being at school until 10:30 last night. And she's old! And she was working her heart out on this spreadsheet.
About 9:00 this morning, she heard that the project wouldn't be due until SOMETIME NEXT WEEK. That's right, sports fans...not noon today, but NEXT STINKIN' WEEK!!
Her boss is campaigning for boss of the year 2008. For sure. Totally.
I am once again campaigning for mother-of-the-year 2008. I brought my kids home from school today because their grandma, who usually picks them up, forgot to. I know...I don't know. So I leave work at 3:00 and race to the school. Meanwhile, school let out at 2 STINKIN': 30! 2:30! I'd write that in capital letters for emphasis if I could, but then it would look like @:#)! and you might not understand. So anyway, I get them, and they're okay, and we head home, because at this point I'm not going back to work. And we get home and I said to my darling kiddos, "let's have a little free time until 5:00, and then I'll make dinner and you guys can pick up your rooms.
I took my shoes off, and sat down on my bed to watch HGTV for a second, and then I woke up and it was 6:00! Again, I'd emphasize with capital letters, but, you know the drill, ^:))! and then you're confused. Nobody wants that. We had cereal for dinner. I am not worthy to even watch Carol Brady on TV. I shouldn't even be in the same room if Carol is on the T.V.
So for the minute and a half that I was conscious after I sat on my bed, I noticed a commercial for Playtex bras. Have you ever noticed that Playtex sells both bras and baby bottles? I had not noticed that consciously until tonight. Anywhoo, I'm watching this woman in her underwear, and she actually describes herself as "stacked." Whaa??? Seriously????? SEEERRIOUSLY???????? We can say "stacked" on T. V. at 4:00 in the afternoon? If even my husband mentioned my stacked-ness I probably couldn't be held responsible for my actions...
In other news, I've had 2 full cups of coffee, a large Mountain Dew, and a large Coke (full-strength) today. And I'm still tired.
But I missed you, and wanted to write and share my joy and rapture at the world. So, Hi!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Toothy Tuesday
Ow. Remember when I told you I broke my tooth eating ice cream (I'm specially talented!)? I got the crown on today. Ow. Did I mention, ow?
See, I don't know what the dentist was doing in my mouth for an hour and a half last Tuesday, but it took for-stinkin'-ever and I was so sick of the little sucky machine that gets the slobber (saliva, for you technical types) out of the way, and the drilling, and I even saw smoke (I am not making this up). But the point is, he was in there for A LONG, LONG TIME and the bill was over $500, so I figured he had done a root canal before putting the temporary thingy on.
So I get there today, and as I'm driving there (again, NOT making this up) my tooth starts to get "sensitive." Not any rip-roaring pain (though I have given birth so I may not be the best judge of rip-roaring pain for all reading this), but kind of a nagging, little, uh-oh pain. But I get into the "chair of magic and wonder" and Heidi the assistant lady, takes off the temporary thing with the little metal hook-looking thing, and although not the same as childbirth, the result was definitely an "OW." Kind of like metal-on-tooth-nerve pain. Really, not crippling, but very uncomfortable, and, like I said, OW. Which I said. So she apologizes as she proceeds to "just clean up around the tooth a little," which prompts more OW.
I was uncomfortable with her messing around in my mouth for a couple of reasons...OW, of course, and also because I told the following joke and she didn't get it:
Me: Knock, knock.
Heidi: Who's there?
Me: Control Freak-Now you say "Control freak who?"
Please tell me that at least one person gets that joke. But Heidi didn't. And she was all giggly that she didn't get it. And that bothered me, a little. Not that I'm all brilliant; I'm not. But I did get this one. Anyway...
So, Heidi tries on the crown and takes it off about seven times, and each time there is that little shock of nerve pain. And then she gets nervous and calls in the dentist (who was going to put it on anyway). To be fair, they did offer me novocaine several times, but they also said they typically don't need it to put a crown on. I should have taken it. I didn't. I'm not crazy about the shot. But it would have been a better choice. See, last time I had this done it didn't hurt. It was a little tender, but nothing like today. But last time, they did a root canal. This time, apparently, they didn't.
So what the heck was he doing in there for an hour and a half?? It should have been some drilling (of course, I did have the novocaine last week...I'm not crazy!) to smooth out the broken tooth and put the cap on so I can get out of the chair. Not 90 minutes of drilling, water, sucky machine, air-blower-thingy-machine, etc. I still had nerves in my tooth! No wonder it hurt!
So, I drove home after a long process of trying the crown on seventeen more times and drilling it down (outside my mouth) in between, and flossing until he could get the floss through...which he finally did, and the nerve pain stopped. I drove home in rush-hour traffic (and boy, was I in a good mood!) and took 3 Excedrin to deal with the "hey, everyone! Let's play with Penny's teeth!" pain, and it went away shortly thereafter. I had ramen for dinner-not much chewing involved. Now the tooth feels almost normal; a little odd perhaps, but it's not fully cemented for six hours, so...about 12:45 this morning I should be all set! Too bad I'll be asleep and will miss it!
Lesson learned: When they offer you novocaine, say Yes!
See, I don't know what the dentist was doing in my mouth for an hour and a half last Tuesday, but it took for-stinkin'-ever and I was so sick of the little sucky machine that gets the slobber (saliva, for you technical types) out of the way, and the drilling, and I even saw smoke (I am not making this up). But the point is, he was in there for A LONG, LONG TIME and the bill was over $500, so I figured he had done a root canal before putting the temporary thingy on.
So I get there today, and as I'm driving there (again, NOT making this up) my tooth starts to get "sensitive." Not any rip-roaring pain (though I have given birth so I may not be the best judge of rip-roaring pain for all reading this), but kind of a nagging, little, uh-oh pain. But I get into the "chair of magic and wonder" and Heidi the assistant lady, takes off the temporary thing with the little metal hook-looking thing, and although not the same as childbirth, the result was definitely an "OW." Kind of like metal-on-tooth-nerve pain. Really, not crippling, but very uncomfortable, and, like I said, OW. Which I said. So she apologizes as she proceeds to "just clean up around the tooth a little," which prompts more OW.
I was uncomfortable with her messing around in my mouth for a couple of reasons...OW, of course, and also because I told the following joke and she didn't get it:
Me: Knock, knock.
Heidi: Who's there?
Me: Control Freak-Now you say "Control freak who?"
Please tell me that at least one person gets that joke. But Heidi didn't. And she was all giggly that she didn't get it. And that bothered me, a little. Not that I'm all brilliant; I'm not. But I did get this one. Anyway...
So, Heidi tries on the crown and takes it off about seven times, and each time there is that little shock of nerve pain. And then she gets nervous and calls in the dentist (who was going to put it on anyway). To be fair, they did offer me novocaine several times, but they also said they typically don't need it to put a crown on. I should have taken it. I didn't. I'm not crazy about the shot. But it would have been a better choice. See, last time I had this done it didn't hurt. It was a little tender, but nothing like today. But last time, they did a root canal. This time, apparently, they didn't.
So what the heck was he doing in there for an hour and a half?? It should have been some drilling (of course, I did have the novocaine last week...I'm not crazy!) to smooth out the broken tooth and put the cap on so I can get out of the chair. Not 90 minutes of drilling, water, sucky machine, air-blower-thingy-machine, etc. I still had nerves in my tooth! No wonder it hurt!
So, I drove home after a long process of trying the crown on seventeen more times and drilling it down (outside my mouth) in between, and flossing until he could get the floss through...which he finally did, and the nerve pain stopped. I drove home in rush-hour traffic (and boy, was I in a good mood!) and took 3 Excedrin to deal with the "hey, everyone! Let's play with Penny's teeth!" pain, and it went away shortly thereafter. I had ramen for dinner-not much chewing involved. Now the tooth feels almost normal; a little odd perhaps, but it's not fully cemented for six hours, so...about 12:45 this morning I should be all set! Too bad I'll be asleep and will miss it!
Lesson learned: When they offer you novocaine, say Yes!
Note to pop (soda, Coke, fizzy water) Companies
Hi, there. It's me. One of your not-so-big fans. I like pop (soda, Coke, fizzy water) fine, and, by the way, it's pop. Soda is something you bake with. Fizzy water sounds like something gone wrong in a bad lab experiment. Pop. It's the name. But I digress...
In case you haven't noticed, Pop companies...you stopped selling pop in glass bottles. In, like, 1989! Why, then, must you advertise people drinking from glass pop bottles? They're gone. Well, they're still here in a very limited, very small, very expensive way. But a six-pack of pop in a carton? With 16.9 oz bottles? Not happening.
If you were still cool, pop companies, we could still buy glass bottles. See, glass recycles, just like plastic. Of course, we don't need oil to make glass, or at least not as much oil as we need to make plastic. I know it's not a totally "green" option because the weight of the glass requires more energy to transport, and glass is breakable, yadda, yadda. I still like my pop out of a glass bottle better. Mountain Dew doesn't smell the same in plastic. It's not as citrus-y. Cherry Coke doesn't smell as good, either.
So, that's my request. Bring back glass bottles! Or at least stop making us wish for them with your commercials. Please. Thanks.
In case you haven't noticed, Pop companies...you stopped selling pop in glass bottles. In, like, 1989! Why, then, must you advertise people drinking from glass pop bottles? They're gone. Well, they're still here in a very limited, very small, very expensive way. But a six-pack of pop in a carton? With 16.9 oz bottles? Not happening.
If you were still cool, pop companies, we could still buy glass bottles. See, glass recycles, just like plastic. Of course, we don't need oil to make glass, or at least not as much oil as we need to make plastic. I know it's not a totally "green" option because the weight of the glass requires more energy to transport, and glass is breakable, yadda, yadda. I still like my pop out of a glass bottle better. Mountain Dew doesn't smell the same in plastic. It's not as citrus-y. Cherry Coke doesn't smell as good, either.
So, that's my request. Bring back glass bottles! Or at least stop making us wish for them with your commercials. Please. Thanks.
Monday, April 14, 2008
I'm still alive!
Yes, I am still alive...thanks for asking! What? You didn't ask? Oh, well. Too bad. You know now, anyway.
I haven't much time, because it's late and I'm old and tired. And allergic, and sneezing constantly. It's a blast, really.
In news of late:
-My new shoes I bought via mail-order arrived today. They're actual Birkenstocks, and they're actually almost cute, somehow. They are currently on my feet, even with me being in my nightie, and they are comfy right out of the box!
-I took my kids and a friend of theirs to see Disney On Ice: Finding Nemo, or whatever the actual name was. It was a lot of fun! We were in the 10th row, because my husband worked the show and got some sort of discount pass. I figured we'd be in the nosebleeds up near the roof, but we weren't.
-I forgot to buy a ticket for myself when I took the kids to see DOI: FN, so the nice man with the flashlight let the dotty old lady (me) and her kids sit two rows up, where there were actually 4 seats together. They let me wait until intermission to buy the fourth ticket, and actually said I didn't have to pay, but I felt guilty (it's what I do) and paid anyway.
-Do you know how much it costs for 4 ice creams and 4 water bottles at DOI: FN? $40. Yes, $40. Holy Tad Award!!
-I somehow managed to break my tooth on a soggy almond that was in the ice cream at DOI: FN. I have no idea how, but tomorrow I will be having this repaired to the tune of $500. Holy Tad Award again!!
-My 9 year old daughter lost two teeth recently...what is up with teeth in our house??
-I have now officially worked at my current job for two years. My anniversary was April 10. I have not spazzed out and smacked anyone in all that time! Yay, me!!
-I actually have a decent teacher for my current class at school. I like him very much. This is what the last 2 classes have been missing: actual teachers who are not morons!
-I have stopped pushing myself to get A's in school. If I pass, I'm happy. It is much less stressful.
-I am currently craving Beef-A-Roni...either that, or "Mini-mini-mini-ravi-oli-oli-oli-oli (for those of you who grew up in the 80's, and remember the kids sitting around the table singing that). Not the healthiest option, but certainly tasty, and something one can eat with a broken tooth (It's a molar, so I don't look like a refugee from Deliverance).
-My husband wants to go camping this weekend. I'm not so into it now, but I never am when I'm in school. I always love it once we get there. We'll see. If I go, I'll try to remember the camera and take pics!
-Have a good night, all! I'm off to watch Keanu Reeves in Parenthood (yes, he is much more awesome in other movies, but that's what's currently in my DVD playah!
I haven't much time, because it's late and I'm old and tired. And allergic, and sneezing constantly. It's a blast, really.
In news of late:
-My new shoes I bought via mail-order arrived today. They're actual Birkenstocks, and they're actually almost cute, somehow. They are currently on my feet, even with me being in my nightie, and they are comfy right out of the box!
-I took my kids and a friend of theirs to see Disney On Ice: Finding Nemo, or whatever the actual name was. It was a lot of fun! We were in the 10th row, because my husband worked the show and got some sort of discount pass. I figured we'd be in the nosebleeds up near the roof, but we weren't.
-I forgot to buy a ticket for myself when I took the kids to see DOI: FN, so the nice man with the flashlight let the dotty old lady (me) and her kids sit two rows up, where there were actually 4 seats together. They let me wait until intermission to buy the fourth ticket, and actually said I didn't have to pay, but I felt guilty (it's what I do) and paid anyway.
-Do you know how much it costs for 4 ice creams and 4 water bottles at DOI: FN? $40. Yes, $40. Holy Tad Award!!
-I somehow managed to break my tooth on a soggy almond that was in the ice cream at DOI: FN. I have no idea how, but tomorrow I will be having this repaired to the tune of $500. Holy Tad Award again!!
-My 9 year old daughter lost two teeth recently...what is up with teeth in our house??
-I have now officially worked at my current job for two years. My anniversary was April 10. I have not spazzed out and smacked anyone in all that time! Yay, me!!
-I actually have a decent teacher for my current class at school. I like him very much. This is what the last 2 classes have been missing: actual teachers who are not morons!
-I have stopped pushing myself to get A's in school. If I pass, I'm happy. It is much less stressful.
-I am currently craving Beef-A-Roni...either that, or "Mini-mini-mini-ravi-oli-oli-oli-oli (for those of you who grew up in the 80's, and remember the kids sitting around the table singing that). Not the healthiest option, but certainly tasty, and something one can eat with a broken tooth (It's a molar, so I don't look like a refugee from Deliverance).
-My husband wants to go camping this weekend. I'm not so into it now, but I never am when I'm in school. I always love it once we get there. We'll see. If I go, I'll try to remember the camera and take pics!
-Have a good night, all! I'm off to watch Keanu Reeves in Parenthood (yes, he is much more awesome in other movies, but that's what's currently in my DVD playah!
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