Sunday, April 23, 2006

Something Big...the other shoe drops

Hello again! Well, shoe #2 drops tomorrow night as I attend my first class at the University of Phoenix. I'll be completing my elementary education degree. I was told there was some homework, so I logged on to the site to complete it, and it turned out to be 2 surveys about how I feel about returning to school. And to think I'd been so nervous about it.

Today my hubby is home, not working, which is a godsend. He's been working loads and loads of hours, but is trying to find his boundaries, and our boundaries as a family. He has been my rock for years, and part of me is terrified to go back to school because I'll be spending so much money, and I'm afraid the stress of his stressful job, plus me working full-time instead of my former part-time position, plus my going to school, will make his life miserable. He has a heart condition which will require a new valve in about 10-15 years and I don't want to exacerbate it at all by doing this, but at the same time we were both working so hard to simply stay afloat and keep the utilities on, that I felt this full-time job I have was a godsend...and it has been. It's a pleasure to be there every day. And school is something that he tells me he has wanted me to do for years. And I'm so happy...but I don't want him to die. He keeps telling me he's fine and will be fine. I don't know. I'll do my best.

Of course since school and work start tomorrow and my time here from now on will be slightly less (I only go to school 1 day a week), I want to get everything organized before I leave. Mind you, I'm starting from fairly chaotic and hope to get to "Martha Stewart" by 8:00 (including baking cookies, reorganizing the cart next to the stove, reorganizing the cupboards, reorganizing the kids' rooms, getting all lunches made for the week, doing laundry, buying a printer so I can do my homework, ironing, painting my nails, and losing 50 pounds), so I'm being unrealistic, but I need to get some things taken care of. Clean laundry would be good! :-)

But like I said in my first post, talking with adults about a topic that is dear to my heart will be a welcome change, so I'll look forward to that and try to keep things rational.

And now my beautiful daughter is looking for something to do, so I must go and see if she'll work with me today. Have a great day, all!

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