Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Heidi-Ho There, Neighbors!

This week I got some awesome Good Mail! Tori sent me some adorable note cards, and Jennie-Boo sent me great little packets of foot scrub, lotion, and soak, plus a wonderful little emery board. I feel so loved...thanks, gals!

I'd post pictures, but my husband is using the camera today and I can't draw that well :) so I'll try to post them later this week.

This week we're getting ready for the big exodus out of our homeland, i.e., our vacation to Mexico. I am starting to really, REALLY look forward to five days on the beach!

I may have mentioned this before; if I did, I'm sorry. I may try to go parasailing. I'm scared of heights, but in many of my dreams, I seem to be flying. I can't think of anything else that could produce that same feeling, so if it's reasonably priced and if I'm not too fat and if I don't chicken out, I'm going to try it.

Did you ever buy yourself new crayons and a coloring book? I did that this weekend, while shopping for school supplies for the kids. I love the smell of crayons, and coloring is so relaxing. Often, though, I'll just keep the crayons and use my kids old, broken ones so that I can keep the box looking pretty and the crayons all their original, perfect shape. Because once you start coloring with them, of course the shape of the tip changes, and then all the crayons don't match. Yes, I am crazy. Thanks for asking. :)

I hope you have a fabulous Wednesday. I'm about to go to bed and speed up my fabulous Wednesday, so that vacation time can get here sooner. I almost don't even care if we go to Mexico; just the idea of not having to get up and be somewhere by a certain time is sounding more and more heavenly!


Klin said...

Go Parasailing! I am terrified of heights, but when hubby and I went to the Bahamas we made sure to do this activity. It is so fun and the only thing that comes close to scary is when your butt lifts of the platform. It's split second and then the "this is really cool" feeling sets in.

I am with you on the crayon and coloring thing. I bought me a sharpener (little crayon shaped guy that isn't attached to the box). My kids know better than to touch mom's crayons. Weird huh.

ioio said...

That's so cool that you have flying dreams. I've never had one and am dying to just let my unconscious go there and fly!

And as a child I loved me a box of sharp crayons. I always made sure the metallic crayons never got dull. So, either we're both crazy, or we're just plain old normal about crayons.

Have fun in Meh-hico. Sounds beautiful. Go flying!

Tori :) said...

I have my own box of markers, but not crayons. And I never buy coloring books, but I always buy a ton of notebooks when they are on sale for 10 cents. :)
Glad you liked the Good Mail!:)