Wednesday, February 20, 2008

All better!

Happily, the migraine is gone! I was able to stay a whole, entire day at work and go to choir practice as well. It was good.

I'm watching Ghost Hunters now, which is totally easy to get addicted to. It's also thunderstorming outside, which makes it more fun.

I got caught up at work today, and so I don't dread going so much.

My dog is completely upset that it's storming. She keeps going to the door and whining, like I should be able to make the storm stop. Oops. Can't. Poor thing...I made her a bed out of one of my favorite comforters in our bedroom, but she's too worked up to rest.

I think I'm going to concentrate on GH now. 'Cause I'm dopey like that.


Busy Bee Lauren said...

I am so happy your migraine is gone!

Nancy Face said...

I'm glad you feel better...and I just LOVED the thunderstorm! The only problem was that the clouds hid the lunar eclipse! :0

ioio said...

it is INSANELY addictive! it's like ghost crack!

not as much of a fan of the GHI, but it's still ghost hunting and ghost hunting is ghost hunting, right?