Monday, February 18, 2008

I ripped this off from Tori's Blog. It is a meme where you try to name something that no one else would have. Welcome to my messed-up, crazy world. Bwahahahahahahaaaaaa!!

CD I Own
Da Yoopers-Yoopy Do Wah

Book I Own
Ice Castles-the book that went with the late 1970's movie about an ice skater who becomes blind.

DVD/VHS/whatever I Own
Somewhere in Time VHS-with the fabulous, gorgeous, sadly late Christopher Reeve.

Place visited
Alden, Michigan. I visited there for my 20 year high school reunion, but since I did grow up there (well, I never really "grew up." I was raised there...yeeeeeaaaaahh...that's the ticket!"), I will also list Leon, Iowa, a very small town near Lamoni, IA, where I went to college for one year.

Piece of technology or any sort of tool I own.

I do have a Tupperware citrus peeler (two actually; one orange and one yellow).


Klin said...

I have two red and a yellow TupperWare Citrus Peeler. I love them.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

We have Somewhere in Time. My middle name came from that movie. haha

Nancy Face said...

I ♥ Somewhere In Time! I have it on DVD, and the VHS copy is still in the "yard sale" bag, haha! :D

Yes, Lauren's middle name is Elise, after the name of Jane Seymour's character! :)