I got the most wonderfulest, greenest, happiest package today from Lauren Face and Nancy Face!!
I so, SO needed a happy thing...and there it was! Did you ever have one of those days? I did. Today. But then I came home and looked in my mailbox, and there was a package, and inside was all this wonderful stuff! Did you get a good look at the Kermit the Frog card? It's homemade. And so cute! And I love Junior Mints. I used to eat them with my daddy when we went to the movies when I was a kid. Good times. I haven't had them in years.
Oh, and I got my camera working, as you can see above! How fun is that? I'm going to be having so much fun with pictures now! It helps if you have the right cord to plug it in, I learned. :)
So to all you wonderful people who sent me good mail before I got my camera working, thank you! I'm sorry I couldn't put a picture with it. But I do appreciate all of it. You're wonderful!
Okay, so I guess I'd better really get going on my homework. Does anyone know what kind of corporate structure Starbucks has? I'm about to chuck it all and follow Lauren in a successful interior design career. Color is more fun! :)
green's my favorite color so what joy to get such a package, and you really needed a lift so who deserves it more than you! nobody--just you sweetie~
oh, i would say whatever kind of corporate structure mcdonald's has, starbucks has. or maybe robot life-sucking terrible-brainwashing money stealing jerkwads structure.
YAY! I was hoping you'd get it today! :D
Yay! I am glad you liked it! You always send cute cute cute stickers! I love stickers :)
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