Monday, June 30, 2008


Oh, yeah...I forgot to tell you about my dad. He and my mom flew home from Michigan on Saturday, despite his swollen feet and ankles that kept him from walking (they brought him from the plane in a wheelchair). The customer assistance folks at Southwest Airlines are mom has trouble walking very far, so I had two parents in wheelchairs, but one guy stayed with me until we got to baggage claim, got their luggage, carried it while pushing my dad all the way to my car, and helped them both into the car. You don't get much better than that. Fly Southwest...they rock!

Anyway, dad really was pretty sick. My sister had called me after she took them to the airport, and both she and her husband were crying because they had never seen him look so bad. We took him home and he climbed into bed under a heating blanket-in summer! He went to the doctor today, and they need to run some tests and take some X-rays of a spot on his lung. He was a smoker for 40 if you pray, could you pray that those tests come back negative, and that his doctor here will be able to help him? Thanks.


Chell said...

I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

Stay strong...

Nancy Face said...

I am so glad that Southwest treated your parents with such care! I am sad that your dad is so sick. I will pray for him.