will be traversing a little bit of the planet...we're going to Michigan, my homeland and where my sister lives. Tony has to stay home and work :( but we will try to have fun anyway.

While we are there, guess what will be in season??

Yesssss...sweet corn!! I am one of two people in my house who will eat corn on the cob, and I love it. And my sister loves it, and so do her seven kids...so I can buy, and eat, fresh sweet corn that is actually in season! And guess what else will be in season??

Bingo! Tomatoes! When I was a kid, we used to eat tomatoes like apples...they were so good, warmed from the sun.
And, finally, I can have another (few) Faygo Pop! Have you heard of Faygo Pop? It is the best pop in the world!

Besides eating fabulous vegetables, we will be doing other things. We will visit:

Bronner's CHRISTmas Wonderland, this huge place that is full of Christmas decorations. The picture doesn't do the size of the place justice. The white building on the right is the Christmas Chapel. Here's a link to Bronner's...it is a really fun place.
We may be going to a waterpark in the same town as Bronner's, but we aren't sure yet. I can't find any pictures of it, but I'm sure I'll have some (if we go there) when I come back.
There is a remote possibility that we will go to an amusement park, Michigan's Adventure, and an even more remote possibility that we'll visit Mackinac Island, but that is a 3-4 hour drive each way. Although my sister will be there...we can gab and stay awake on the drive back, right??
Our kids will also spend a lot of time playing together, I would think. My kids hardly ever get to see these cousins, so I'm sure they'll have a lot to talk about.
I will post pictures when I get back! Have a good week, and keep your powder and your pants dry! (1,000 magic points if you can tell me what movie that line is from. Are the points redeemable, you ask? No. But you will have the thrill of knowing that you know stuff.)
Sounds like sooooo much fun! Thats so awesome. Hope you have a super time and that your kiddies enjoy the flight!
I dont know where that movie line is from. I thought of Googling it and trying to act smart. But I decided against it and was honest instead! :)
Have a GREAT time! :D
I've ordered ornaments from Bronners...they were great! :)
If I was that close to Mackinac Island, NOTHING could keep me away! I hope you go there! :)
I am SOOO not good at movie lines, haha! :D
So, How was it? I'd love to see pictures. I've never been to Michigan.
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