Sunday, October 19, 2008

Quiet weekends

Well, it's been kind of exciting around here. Too exciting in some ways. Here's some random stuff that has happened lately:

I got a phone call at 10:30 Monday night. It was my friend, informing me that she and her husband and 19 month old daughter were in town, because the 19 month old had amputated (fancy word for cut off) her big toe! They were (and are) at Phoenix Children's Hospital. The toe is reattached, but as of yesterday the doctors were not really happy with the level of blood flow. They are using leeches to help circulate the blood (they don't hurt, and they cover them up so the baby can't see). It is kind of cool to watch. We're waiting and praying the toe heals, and that the vessels connect again.

My mom's recliner was worn through where one's feet go, on the little rectangle of wood and fabric that prop the feet up. So today we went to JoAnn fabrics and picked out some complementary (not free, but goes with the chair) fabric. I remembered Nancy Face telling how she and Kris Face reupholstered the chairs for Lauren & Ted, so I stapled the fabric right over the top of the other fabric (they did it the right way and removed the other fabric first, but I figured I wouldn't mess with that on this chair. It looks much better!).

Finance class; stupid, boring finance class with the "good ole boy" teacher is finished!! I don't know what my grade is yet. We have five weeks of classes, and as of today, he has only posted scores through week 3. As of week 3 I have an A-. I just hope I pass this and don't have to take it again...ugh.

My next class is marketing. So far, I have read several paragraphs of the book and it is not hard to understand. I think I'm in! :)

My kiddos are in Disneyland with their grandma and aunt. They left eaaaaaarrrrrrrly Thursday morning. They always go during at least part of the week. I was going to try and go with them this time, having saved up a bit of vacation, but my boss is out of town and the new executive assistant they hired has worked with us a grand total of 2 days, so it was not a good time. :(
Oh, well, Tony the husband and I got a quiet weekend to ourselves! And the kids had a lot of fun. They prank called us last night at midnight, but we were both still awake...ha! Got 'em!

My mom is busily planning Thanksgiving dinner, which we always have at her and dad's house. There is a beautiful Thanksgiving platter at the Cracker Barrel store, and I want to get it for her. The kids and I always go over to their house the night before Thanksgiving and have a sleepover, where we get ready for the next day, and play cards, and watch movies. It's fun. I could stop by Cracker Barrel on my way, because there is one on the way to their house. I just might...

I discovered a lovely thing to read online. It's on the "Prairie Home Companion" website, and it's called The View from Mrs. Sundberg's window. I love it. So relaxing, and good advice, and recipes! How could it get better than that?

I hope you all have a lovely Monday tomorrow.


Nancy Face said...


Leeches? Really? That's AMAZING! I hope it heals up just right.

I see my name, w00t! Great job fixing the recliner, YAY! :)

Disneyland is always a great place to FUN F-U-N! :D

I love the idea of the Thanksgiving sleepover! And the platter sounds so pretty! :)

I really enjoyed reading this!

Chell said...

Sounds like you guys have had an eventful few days!

How on earth did a 19 month old manage to "amputate" her toe?

Ashley said...

Nice post..! I want to see that fabric which you picked out from Joann.