Sunday, March 30, 2008

Shamelessly Stolen from Nancy's Blog...

You're not bored. Nope. It's just that you haven't thought of this to do yet:

1. Pick up the nearest book with at least 123 pages

2. Turn to page 123

3. Find the 5th sentence

4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog

5. Tag 5 people (I'm going to ignore this rule, haha!)

"The route description does not require you to walk in private driveways or close to houses."

From: Hiker's Guide to the Superstition Wilderness by Jack Carlson and Elizabeth Stewart

If you are reading this, you be tagged! Feel free to pilfer it (I'm sure Nancy won't mind) and have fun!


Nancy Face said...

It's ALWAYS better when you don't have to walk in private driveways or close to houses, tee hee! ;)

Glad you had fun with it! :)

Chell said...

Hey there...I stumbled across Laurens Blog and so I found yours...if you want to add me to your list of Blogs you read that would be cool, mine is

Keep well!!