Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm still alive!

Yes, I am still alive...thanks for asking! What? You didn't ask? Oh, well. Too bad. You know now, anyway.

I haven't much time, because it's late and I'm old and tired. And allergic, and sneezing constantly. It's a blast, really.

In news of late:

-My new shoes I bought via mail-order arrived today. They're actual Birkenstocks, and they're actually almost cute, somehow. They are currently on my feet, even with me being in my nightie, and they are comfy right out of the box!

-I took my kids and a friend of theirs to see Disney On Ice: Finding Nemo, or whatever the actual name was. It was a lot of fun! We were in the 10th row, because my husband worked the show and got some sort of discount pass. I figured we'd be in the nosebleeds up near the roof, but we weren't.

-I forgot to buy a ticket for myself when I took the kids to see DOI: FN, so the nice man with the flashlight let the dotty old lady (me) and her kids sit two rows up, where there were actually 4 seats together. They let me wait until intermission to buy the fourth ticket, and actually said I didn't have to pay, but I felt guilty (it's what I do) and paid anyway.

-Do you know how much it costs for 4 ice creams and 4 water bottles at DOI: FN? $40. Yes, $40. Holy Tad Award!!

-I somehow managed to break my tooth on a soggy almond that was in the ice cream at DOI: FN. I have no idea how, but tomorrow I will be having this repaired to the tune of $500. Holy Tad Award again!!

-My 9 year old daughter lost two teeth recently...what is up with teeth in our house??

-I have now officially worked at my current job for two years. My anniversary was April 10. I have not spazzed out and smacked anyone in all that time! Yay, me!!

-I actually have a decent teacher for my current class at school. I like him very much. This is what the last 2 classes have been missing: actual teachers who are not morons!

-I have stopped pushing myself to get A's in school. If I pass, I'm happy. It is much less stressful.

-I am currently craving Beef-A-Roni...either that, or "Mini-mini-mini-ravi-oli-oli-oli-oli (for those of you who grew up in the 80's, and remember the kids sitting around the table singing that). Not the healthiest option, but certainly tasty, and something one can eat with a broken tooth (It's a molar, so I don't look like a refugee from Deliverance).

-My husband wants to go camping this weekend. I'm not so into it now, but I never am when I'm in school. I always love it once we get there. We'll see. If I go, I'll try to remember the camera and take pics!

-Have a good night, all! I'm off to watch Keanu Reeves in Parenthood (yes, he is much more awesome in other movies, but that's what's currently in my DVD playah!


Nancy Face said...

I knew you were still alive, because you're always leaving awesome comments on Face family blogs! :)

Hooray for comfy shoes...and jammies! Yay for Finding Nemo On Ice, and a big BOO for overpriced refreshments! I'm sorry about your broken tooth...I've done that eating Poppycock!

We never go camping because Lauren hates it so much! :0

Beef-A-Roni and Keanu Reeves are both pretty yummy! ;)

Chell said...

Hi there! Sorry about your tooth, it sounds painful! Im delaying root canal...
Finding Nemo is my all time fav animation movie - wish I could have seen the DOI show.
Hope you get some Beef-a-roni, I must say, I have never had any! :)