Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Dad/Fun at work

Well, now they think my dad has pneumonia, not necessarily a heart problem. So, if you prayed, it worked! Thanks VERY much. :)

Our company is moving...have I whined about that yet? Yeah. I think so, too. Yesterday I worked 13 hours without a dinner break. Nice, huh? And, I worked moving piles of boxes from wherever the idiot movers dropped them to where they belonged, and then to where my boss thought they should be. My feet and my back are STILL killing me, even after 12 hours of sleep/rest and pain relievers. I'm supposed to go back in today. If I do, I WILL NOT move any more piles of boxes. They may get a workman's comp claim as it is, if the back pain doesn't improve.

I am not going in for very long today. AND I'm stopping for Starbucks on the way. Sorry I'm cranky today...apparently my new goal is to try and kill myself every weekend (remember the hike last weekend?). I will try to be cheerier later.


Chell said...

Hey there, am so glad that your dad is going to be ok...

I cannot believe that they have made the staff move boxes! Thats terrible!

Good on you for stopping for Starbucks and thinking about putting in a workmans comp form!:-)

Nancy Face said...

Your dad has pneumonia, and you have back pain...I will pray for BOTH of you! :)