Monday, August 21, 2006


Hi, again. I've been re-reading past posts (ooh, I just LOVE alliteration, don't you?). In an attempt to do something besides complain about school, tonight I'm going to discuss something I'm learning about in school...the Constitution. Tonight I'm reading specifically about voting and voter turnout and voter rights. Very intersting. Here's a news flash for you...politicians lie a lot! Did you know that in other democracies, voter registration is automatic, meaning you are registered automatically as you pay taxes or register your car or whatever. It's just done...poof. No waiting period, no closing registration two weeks or more before the election. You're in. Simple as that. And, you vote on weekends in most other democracies, so everyone can play, not just those who can make it in either before or after work. A nice touch, I think. Many countries even vote on Sunday, or they actually declare a national holiday so everyone has the opportunity to vote. Amazing!

Did you know that in the way-behind-the-times-United States, only 6 states allow voters to register on voting day? Yep. You can walk in, register, and vote. Easy if you live in one of the six; not so easy if not. Here in Arizona, where I live, registration closes soemthing like 2 weeks before each election. You can register Motor-Voter, thanks to the U. S. Congress, but that's the only convenience. They keep the polls open until 7:00, which I thought was normal; but other states apparently let you vote longer.

And here's an idea for the news media. This one's mine. Quit the stupid polling, and report on the issues the candidates are running on! Okay! We don't care about the blue straw or the red straw! Tell us (or, better yet, let them tell us) their stand on a particular issue. All this polling just helps those too lazy to think on their own who is ahead in the polls, and who they should vote for if they want to be on the "winning team." Tell us the stats after the election if you want, but save voting day and the days before it for THE ISSUES.

By the way, the Supreme Court and the Judicial Branch of the government is quite interesting. To heck with your son or daughter growing up to be President, the real cake gig is the Supreme Court. Loads of responsibility, but very interesting work. Never a dull moment, I wouldn't think.

Some days I wish I had born British or Irish. I like the meter of the language as well as the accent. Oh, well. I'm also happy as a Midwesterner...

I miss my friend Rhonda and need to send her a card.

I was going to get my kids' pictures taken for school this past weekend (we do Sears; way more fun, cheaper, and better) but my daughter does indeed belong to my husband. She has a very practical way of doing things. Her bangs were in her face and irritating her, so she apparently grabbed them and lopped them off...right at the scalp. Nice touch! But hey, they're out of her face!

We got new cell phones over the weekend...those Razor ones. I must admit to having way too much fun with it. I have a camera phone! It's actually very nice to see my hubby and kids pics while I'm at work. Especially during a stressful moment.

We're getting a big storm here tonight. I keep praying the drought will be over. God knows best.

And now you know the contents of my brain this evening. I hope it's been a pleasant journey for you. Take care, and by all means, be careful out there!

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