Thursday, May 03, 2007

Well, it's been an eventful week here at WWJ central. No sooner did we get the leak in our wall fixed and have the adjuster out, than our air conditioner quit. Completely. Ka-put. Done. Dead. Doornail.

$8,000 later, the contractors are here putting the finishing touches on our shiny new air conditioner. I didn't really have $8,000.00. Not. Even. Close. So, while I'm grateful that our credit cleared and we can finance this new mess, I'm a little bummed by now.

I hate to be a whiner, but for today, I give up. I need a good cry and some ice cream, preferably Blue Bell (I know Tori will appreciate that). Probably Blue Bell Chocolate, but their homemade Vanilla is really, REALLY good, too. Especially with Magic Shell on top. And maraschino cherry juice. LOTS of maraschino cherry juice.

Hoping for a better tomorrow, I remain,

Your Friend,


1 comment:

ioio said...

who has $8000 lying around...i certainly don't.

get your ice cream.

you're no a whiner! you're a survivor!