Saturday, September 08, 2007

Back to School

For me...not the kids. They've been back almost a month now. No, after a much-too-long break, I'm finally back into the swing of things. I say the break was much too long, because apparently I'm not really cut out for long breaks. The first time I attempted college, I went one year and then dropped out for what I thought were good reasons (the college was private, cost a whole lot, and I was in love and wanted to be with my boyfriend, who was leaving after that year). I didn't go back for 20 years.

This past June, I started a break that lasted until last week. And a few days before class started, I freaked out and was already trying to withdraw. I wasn't sure I should be spending this much money on a career that doesn't pay well (elementary education), my kids would need me, I really enjoyed not having to do anything academic for those couple months, I already have a good job that I love, and that has a fantastic 401K, etc.

But I took the class anyway. And as I started writing the two papers I had to turn in by Monday, I remembered...I am smart. I am a good student. And I can do this (I know, it sounds just like Stuart Smalley saying "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me-God, I love Al Franken!). Even though the education system is far from perfect, I can make a positive difference in the lives of those kids I teach.

Now, whether I'll remember all this all the way through the rest of my degree program--who knows. I'll try, and it certainly would be easier if I would!


Klin said...

Wow, that post brings back memories from the beginning of every semester for the last 6 years.

I always did great. I worked my guts out. My kids still love me. But I worried each time anyway.

Good luck.

ioio said...

keep it up lady! two years ago i had no idea i'd be persuing my masters...and i am.

the world works in funny ways.
go for the goal.

you really CAN do it. even if you change your mind AFTER the fact.

Tori :) said...


FENICLE said...

Talk about memories....yikes!!

You have a lot of good goals & seem focused. You'll accomplish it all.